Record ID |
A unique identifier for the measure. |
Program ID |
The program identifier. |
Quarter |
The year and quarter when the measure is expected to be claimed in the format 2021Q2. |
Sector |
The setting where the measure will be installed. |
Delivery type |
How the program will deliver this measure to the customer. This field combines answers to questions: Is the measure delivered upstream or downstream of the customer? Is the measure custom or deemed? Will the measure be directly installed? Those answers inform which option to select. |
Building type |
The type of building where the measure will be added. For forecast data, the value Any may be used. |
Climate zone |
The climate zone for the location where the measure will be installed. |
Gas savings profile |
Whether gas savings occur across the year or only in the summer. |
Gas sector |
Whether the gas savings will occur in a residential or commercial setting. For small and medium business customers choose Core; other commercial customers should use Commercial. |
End use |
The electricity consumption profile for the measure across a year. |
- E3MeaElecEndUseShape
- ElecEndUseShape
Target sector |
The area where the electricity will be consumed. This field is more detailed than the other measure sector fields; for example, instead of a general commercial sector you would specify that the measure is being used in a restaurant or grocery store. |
- E3TargetSector
- ElecTargetSector
Application type |
How the measure is applied. Most common is NR (Normal Replacement). Metered measures are not allowed to use new construction. Only accelerated replacement measures can have dual baseline data. |
Measure code |
A short name for the measure. |
Measure description |
A more verbose and detailed description of the measure. |
Measure impact type |
The measure impact type answers a suite of characterizations about the measure. Is it a fuel substitution measure? Is the measure custom or deemed? If deemed, is the measure from DEER or a workpaper? If custom, is it a normalized metered energy consumption (NMEC) measure? If so, is it population level or site level NMEC? If not, is the custom measure generic (i.e. site specific), a randomized control trial (RCT), or strategic energy management (SEM)? |
Measure ID |
For workpaper measures concatenate together the Program administrator, Workpaper, Measure code, Climate zone, Building type, Building Vintage, Measure Application type, and Delivery type. This allows the measure to be reconciled with the workpaper it references. For non-workpaper measures leave this field blank. |
Technology group |
A general category for the measure technology. |
Technology type |
A specific category for the measure technology. |
Use category |
A general category for how the measure is used. |
Use subcategory |
A specific category for how the measure is used. |
Preexisting measure description |
A description of the pre-existing measure that was replaced. |
Standard measure description |
A description of the standard measure as defined by building codes. |
Workpaper |
The workpaper ID for the measure, if applicable. Non-workpaper measures leave blank. |
Savings type |
For deemed measures, whether the measure comes from DEER or a workpaper (aka ExAnte) and the year of the source. Other measures should leave this field blank. |
Units |
The unit described by the quantity. |
Quantity |
The quantity of measures installed. |
Unit savings (first baseline) (kW) |
The first baseline kW unit savings. |
Unit savings (first baseline) (kWh) |
The first baseline kWh unit savings. |
- UnitkWh1stBaseline
- UESkWh
Unit savings (first baseline) (therm) |
The first baseline gas (therm) unit savings. |
- UnitTherm1stBaseline
- UESThm
Unit savings (second baseline) (kW) |
The second baseline kW unit savings. Application type must be AR for second baseline data to be specified. |
- UnitkW2ndBaseline
Unit savings (second baseline) (kWh) |
The second baseline kWh unit savings. Application type must be AR for second baseline data to be specified. |
- UnitkWh2ndBaseline
Unit savings (second baseline) (therm) |
The second baseline gas (therm) unit savings. Application type must be AR for second baseline data to be specified. |
- UnitTherm2ndBaseline
Unit cost—measure (first baseline) |
The first baseline unit measure cost. |
- UnitMeaCost1stBaseline
- UnitMeasureGrossCost
Unit cost—measure (second baseline) |
The second baseline kWh unit savings. Application type must be AR for second baseline data to be specified. |
- UnitMeaCost2ndBaseline
- UnitMeasureGrossCost_ER
Unit cost—installation labor |
Only used when delivery type is direct install; otherwise should be zero. For direct install measures this should be the unit incentive for labor. |
- UnitDirectInstallLab
- DILaborCost
Unit cost—installation materials |
Only used when delivery type is direct install; otherwise should be zero. For direct install measures this should be the unit incentive for materials. |
- UnitDirectInstallMat
- DIMaterialCost
Unit cost—user rebate |
Only used for downstream delivery types; otherwise should be zero. For downstream measures this should be the unit rebate to the customer. |
- UnitEndUserRebate
- EndUserRebate
Unit cost—other incentive |
Only used for midstream and upstream delivery types; otherwise should be zero. For midstream and upstream measures this should be the unit rebate to the retailer, distributor, dealer, or manufacturer. |
- UnitIncentiveToOthers
- IncentiveToOthers
Net to gross ID |
The ID for the net to gross ratio. |
Net to gross (kW) |
The net to gross ratio for the kW savings. |
Net to gross (kWh) |
The net to gross ratio for the kWh savings. |
Net to gross (therm) |
The net to gross ratio for the gas (therm) savings. |
Net to gross cost |
The net to gross ratio for the cost. |
Estimated useful life ID |
The ID for the estimated useful life selected for the measure. |
Estimated useful life years |
The estimated useful life in years for the measure. |
Remaining useful life ID |
The ID for the estimated useful life selected as the remaining useful life for the measure. This field is not required. Application type must be AR for RUL data to be specified. |
Remaining useful life years |
The remaining useful life in years of the measure that was retired early. Must be less than the EUL; is expected to be not more than EUL divided by 2.75. Application type must be AR for RUL data to be specified. |
Gross savings installation adjustment ID |
The ExAnte savings and installation adjustment ID. This field is not required. |
Realization rate (kW) |
The fraction of kW savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Realization rates are only used for custom measures; for deemed measures this should be one. |
Realization rate (kWh) |
The fraction of kWh savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Realization rates are only used for custom measures; for deemed measures this should be one. |
Realization rate (therm) |
The fraction of gas (therm) savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Realization rates are only used for custom measures; for deemed measures this should be one. |
- RealizationRateTherm
- RRThm
Installation rate (kW) |
The fraction of kW savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Installation rates are only used for deemed measures; for custom measures this should be one. |
Installation rate (kWh) |
The fraction of kWh savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Installation rates are only used for deemed measures; for custom measures this should be one. |
- InstallationRatekWh
- IRkWh
Installation rate (therm) |
The fraction of gas (therm) savings expected; this number multiplied against the unitized kW savings and quantity to calculate total savings. Installation rates are only used for deemed measures; for custom measures this should be one. |
- InstallationRateTherm
- IRThm
Residential |
True if the measure is installed in a residential setting; otherwise false. |
Upstream |
True if the measure is delivered upstream of the customer; otherwise false. |
Program Administrator |
The code for the program administrator. |
Unit avoided gas infrastructure benefits |
Gas infrastructure benefits in dollars, per measure unit. |
Unit refrigerant costs |
Refrigerant costs in dollars, per measure unit. |
Unit refrigerant benefits |
Refrigerant costs in dollars, per measure unit. |
Unit miscellaneous costs |
Miscellaneous costs in dollars, per measure unit. |
Miscellaneous cost description |
A detailed description of the miscellaneous costs. This field should be blank when Unit miscellaneous costs is zero. |
Unit miscellaneous benefits |
Miscellaneous benefits in dollars, per measure unit. |
Miscellaneous benefits description |
A detailed description of the miscellaneous benefits. This field should be blank when Unit miscellaneous benefits is zero. |
Rate schedule (electric) |
This field is used for claim reporting; for forecast data it should be left blank. |
Rate schedule (gas) |
This field is used for claim reporting; for forecast data it should be left blank. |
Combustion type |
This field is used for claim reporting; for forecast data it should be left blank. |
Measure inflation |
This field is used for claim reporting; for forecast data it should be left blank. |
Comments |
Any comments related to the measure record. For workpaper based records, any deviance from the approved workpaper values should be explained and justified here. |